What is the Del Norte Place Neighborhood Association?

If you own or rent residential or commercial property in the Del Norte Place Neighborhood, you are automatically a member of the Association.  There are no fees and this is not an HOA.  Leadership consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who are elected by resident members of the neighborhood association.  Voting members must be 18 years of age or older.   The process of committee work is done through member volunteers.  Leadership officers act as a Steering Committee to help initiate and facilitate committees as needed.  

The City of Phoenix administers and awards grants through an application process.  Approved grants then provide funding for residents and neighborhood activities that range from safety, historic home restoration assistance, arts and more.  One of the most popular is a Block Watch Grant that offers funding for a wide array of resource assistance as long as it represents safety, crime prevention and promotes the health and well being of residents. 

Del Norte Place Neighborhood Association Leadership / Steering Committee

Tim Smith

Heather Finden
Vice President

Michele Smith

Sharon Torre

Del Norte Place Neighborhood Association
Committees, Committee Coordinators and Committee Members