The 2024-25 City of Phoenix Block Watch Grant (BWG) has been approved, so we can provide information on the projects and plans we will be able to carry out with this newest grant, set at $14,830.
The theme and purpose of this grant is to promote safety, community involvement and actions that help foster and create a more caring community that is vibrant and active in watching out for one another.
Click below for details and the minutes from Our May meeting. Thank you for your support!
So...It's back to school, back to work for us all.
We have lots of news and plans to cover
as we head into fall.
The kids are back in school and we want to thank all who contributed to our Teacher and Family Center Supply Drive. We hope that everyone can strongly support Educational Equality for the value it brings to a civil society. Teachers need support and kids need Teachers!
Please read...
Very Important Information regarding the preservation of our historical neighborhoods -
A letter to city leadership from the Phoenix Historic Neighborhoods Coalition
Dear Councilwoman Pastor, Mayor Gallego, Vice Mayor Stark, Members of the Council,
The Phoenix Historic Neighborhoods Coalition is comprised of people throughout neighborhoods within the city. We come together because we value the history of...
More Breaking News...
Our 2023 Block Watch Grant has been approved for the full amount of $15,000 in designated appropriations.
We're Back!
Water Conservation Committee News:
Phoenix approves overhaul of water
standards for new construction amid
water shortages
Our latest Del Norte Place Neighborhood Newsletter is here....
read all about it! below
to see how far we can go.
News you can use,
in and around the Heart of the Park...
More Good News!
As of April 19th, 2023 we are officially recognized by the IRS as a private foundation, granting exemption from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3). Donors can deduct contributions they make to Del Norte Place Neighborhood Association (DNPNA) under IRC Section 170. We also are now qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.
We hit the ground running with 2 fund raisers over the weekend with our Earth Day Neighborhood Plant Sale on April 22nd, and our assisting Abby Guiver with her estate sale on the same weekend. Abby was very generous to donate 50% of sale proceeds to the Del Norte Place Neighborhood Association. These two events grossed us just over $1,800! All those who donated and those who purchased from the plant sale can opt to claim charitable donation status on your contributions and purchase as is listed within the IRS guidelines. We are so grateful to all of our neighbors and those who have provided patronage for our events. We continue to move onward and upward as we anticipate future events for the benefit of our historic 96 year old neighborhood.
Thank you, from your DNPNA Steering Committee elected officers:
Tim Smith, Heather Finden, Michele Smith and Sharon Torre
“If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path.” Buddha
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi
Inspiration and compassion comes and goes, and the better it flows when we detach from our egos...
“You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others.” Audrey Hepburn
“Our rewards in life will always be in direct ratio to our service.” Earl Nightingale
“Give your hands to serve, and your hearts to love.” Mother Teresa
Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024
Remember those who've given their life, taking the oath to support & defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign AND domestic.